Westering Press / The Sextant Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

:: The Sextant Review is closed to submissions until 2022 ::

The Sextant Review accepts unsolicited submissions during our open call periods. 

We are looking for high quality poetry, prose, and translation of any style or genre. Send us writing that surprises and inspires. We aren’t interested in pieces that express hatred or violence towards any group of people. We often choose a theme after reading and beginning the submission selection process, so we never know exactly what we're looking for until a piece of work strikes us.

Please only submit previously unpublished work.

Simultaneous submissions are absolutely fine, but please inform us promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere. 

Compensation is two print copies of the journal with the limited-edition letterpress cover.

To submit, please read the following instructions carefully. Submissions that do not adhere to the instructions will not be read. See individual submission categories for more specific instructions.

Westering Press / The Sextant Review